Health Insurance

10 Things Your Affordable Health Insurance Plan Will Cover


A contract between you and your insurance provider is your health insurance policy. The coverage includes a variety of medical benefits, including examinations, drugs, and therapy sessions. Your policy covers specific benefits according to the insurance carrier. We refer to these as covered services.

Review your benefits to see which treatments coveres if you already have insurance and want to maintain it. Additionally, you want to evaluate your plan against those provided by Affordable Health Insurance. You may find and compare health insurance policies through the Health Insurance Marketplace.

Important Advantages Of Affordable Health Insurance

Insurance policies generally cover a selection of preventative treatments. They are still not free, despite this. Deductibles, copayments, and other out-of-pocket expenses requires of you.

Vaccinations and certain health exams are part of these preventative treatments. Preventive treatments included in your insurance plan if you purchase one via the Health Insurance Marketplace. 

The Affordable Health Insurance minimum requirement of at least ten essential health benefits will also be covered (ACA). The following ten essential health benefits (EHBs) included in all private health insurance policies accessible through federally regulated marketplaces:

  • Patient ambulatory services
  • emergency assistance
  • Hospitalization.
  • Infant, maternity, and pregnancy care.
  • Services for mental illness and substance abuse, including behavioral health care.
  • prescription medicines
  • Therapeutic and rehabilitative services and equipment.
  • Laboratory services.
  • Health and prevention services, as well as control of chronic diseases.
  • Services for children, including dental and eye care.

Vaccination Services Of Affordable Health Insurance

Preventive care can identify diseases and prevent sickness and other health issues. Your gender, age, medical history, and family history all play a role in the kinds of preventative care you require. All Affordable Health Insurance plans must cover the following without a copayment:

For all grownups:

  • Screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm once.
  • Therapy and testing for alcoholism.
  • Take aspirin for people 50 to 59 years old who would benefit from it.
  • Checking your blood pressure.
  • Adults at increased risk for cholesterol should be screened.
  • Adults aged 50 to 75 should get screened for colorectal cancer.
  • Screening for depression.
  • Diabetic (Type 2) screening for obese people aged 40 to 70.
  • Adults at risk for chronic diseases should receive diet guidance.
  • Adults 65 years of age and older should prevent falls.
  • Hepatitis B testing for more susceptible people.
  • Hepatitis C testing for more susceptible people.
  • HIV testing.
  • Vaccination shots.
  • Adults aged 55 to 80 who smoke and have an elevated risk of developing lung cancer should be screened.
  • Counseling and testing for obesity.
  • Counseling on preventing sexually transmitted infections for people at higher risk.
  • Preventive statin therapy for high-risk people aged 40 to 75.
  • Syphilis testing for more vulnerable people.
  • Screening for tobacco usage.
  • Adults at higher risk for tuberculosis should undergo screening.

Women who are pregnant

  • Screening for anemia.
  • Complete assistance and advice for breastfeeding.
  • Contraception.
  • Supplements with folic acid.
  • Screening for gestational diabetes.
  • Screening for gonorrhea for all women at higher risk.
  • Prevention and detection of preeclampsia.
  • Screening for RH incompatibility.
  • Screening for syphilis.
  • Increased tobacco intervention and counseling for smokers who are pregnant.
  • Detection of infections in the urinary tract or elsewhere.

Other women’s preventative treatments that are covered include

  • For women at higher risk, genetic testing for breast cancer is recommended.
  • For women over 40, mammograms should be performed every one to two years.
  • Counseling for breast cancer chemoprevention.
  • Screening for cervical cancer.
  • Screening for chlamydia infection.
  • Diabetes examination.
  • Screening for gonorrhea.
  • Counseling and testing for HIV.
  • Women over 60 should get screened for osteoporosis.
  • Follow-up testing for Rh incompatibility testing.
  • Counseling on sexually transmitted illnesses.
  • Screening for syphilis.
  • Tobacco use assessment and treatment.
  • Screening for urinary incontinence.
  • Visits for ladies under 65 to become well.


You can appeal the decision if your insurance company rejects your claim. Learn about your insurance provider’s appeals procedure before you appeal. Your plan guide has to include this. Additionally, get the opinion of your physician. Your doctor can assist you in the appeal procedure if they believe it is appropriate.

Read More: A Complete Guide For Freelancers To Buying Health Insurance

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