
Data Science Career in 2020: Is It the Right Time?

data science career

COVID-19 has brought numerous changes at the workplace. One of them being – remote working. Remote working in turn has increased the speed with which the data is generated.

Result: Surge in demand for data science professionals.

Implying that data science career is soaring and for those planning a career in data science now is the right time.


You are aware that the data is generated every time you are online – shopping, meeting with colleagues/clients/seniors, tweeting, or networking with like-minded professionals on professional sites like LinkedIn.

But to manage this data, organizations need certified data science professionals who not only could collect this data, clean it, and make some sense out of it but would also help solve plaguing problems.

However, the role of a data science professional is not just to find solutions to the problems gnawing the business practices, there are times when a data science professional could also find problems by reading the collected data.

Now, for those who are interested in a data science career, you need to prepare yourself for the role.

For the fresher’s acquire the necessary skills like data analysis, data wrangling, machine learning, data visualization, statistics, mathematics, programing among others is a must. While statistics and mathematics would form the base of your data science career, other skills would help you earn the projects.

Remember: For a data science career you need to be a post graduate in either mathematics or statistics. Reason: About 88% of data science professional have a master’s degree and about 46% of the professionals have PhDs.

There may be some expectations, still, a profound educational background is one of the prerequisite for establishing a successful data science career. Apart from excellent communication skills and of course problem-solving skills – another mandate for a successful data science career.

Are you wondering – why there is a sudden demand surge for data science professionals during coronavirus crisis, especially when the economy is plummeting?

Answer is simple, with remote working becoming a new norm, everything from meetings to day-to-day interaction shifted online – thus producing a huge chunk of data that needed required data science steps to make any sense to an organization. Thus arose the need for a skilled and certified Data Science professional.

Here are some of the roles in the industry that you might want to explore

  • Data Analyst
  • Data Engineer
  • AI Product Manager
  • Database Administrator
  • Business Analyst
  • Data and Analytics Manager

With each of these while the base of the study remains same, the specializations differ as per as the role and that’s the reason why data science professional command and get hefty paychecks.

Now that you know there is a demand for data science professional your next step should be how to prepare yourself for the market.

It is important to remember that upgrading, updating, up skilling, and reskilling are the core points in the times of uncertainty. Certification in data science apart from any online program you choose to do while working on a current job becomes all the more important currently.

You could check out data science certifications from various reputed credentialing bodies like data science certifications from Dell EMC and other credible bodies like eCornell data science. Not forgetting the Data Science Council of America aka DASCA. The Data Science Council of America has been working diligently in the field of data science to offer the industry well-trained and highly qualified candidates – who can take on any challenge thrown at them and succeed at them hands down. DASCA offers six certifications in the field of data science across three dimensions namely Data Analyst, Data Engineer, and Data Science.

With each vertical offering two certifications for the professionals – one at the beginning of the career level and the other at senior level. Associate of Big Data Analyst and Senior Big Data Analyst are the two certification in the field of Data Analyst.

Associate of Big Data Engineer and Senior Big Data Engineer are the two certification programs for professionals in Data Engineer field. DASCA offers Senior Data Scientist certification program for all the enthusiast candidates who wish to escalate their career to the next level in data science industry.

Each of these certification programs from DASCA have their own candidacy track and eligibility criteria, which the candidates check from the website and apply for the suitable certification in data science.

Now if you are wondering why you should go for certifications in data science then remember these points –

  1. Certifications are a third-party validation of your skills – that would place you highly in the eyes of prospective recruiters
  2. Certification in data science from DASCA especially are vendor-neutral and program agnostic – implying as DASCA certified professional you could work across any platform and with any software.

Now that you know this is the right time to pursue a career in data science don’t waste time in pondering and get going. The future is in your hands, the ball is in your court, hit a six with going for data science certification and get ensured for a bright future ahead.

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