
Identifying Your Type of Offshore Injury Case

With fatality rates seven times higher than any other workers in the U.S., the laws governing offshore injuries have their own unique set of challenges.

That’s why having an offshore injury lawyer is critical to getting the right compensation if you’re the victim of an offshore injury.

If you’re unfamiliar with how offshore injuries look for the laws, you’ve come to the right place. Keep on reading why you need to have an offshore injury lawyer.

The Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act

This act (acronym LHWCA) will provide compensation for maritime workers who mainly work on docks, wharves, piers, and shipyards, unlike the Jones Act that mainly focuses on seamen.

LHWCA can cover a plethora of maritime workers like longshoremen, harbor workers of all stripes, and shipbuilders.

Furthermore, this act helps workers recover these injury compensations, regardless of who’s at fault for the injury:

•        Two-thirds of the injured worker’s weekly wage

•        Offshore injury medical treatment

•        Rehabilitation expenses

In extreme cases, if the injury leads to the worker’s death, then the LHWCA can help a surviving spouse and children receive wrongful death benefits.

Do keep in mind that the act automatically sets the spouse’s wrongful death benefit at 50% of the victim’s average wage, with an added 16% for the victim’s children.

The Death on the High Seas Act

The Death on the High Seas Act (DOHSA) is a bit more specialized in scope than the previous acts we’ve covered.

When it comes to DOHSA, it applies when the injured victim’s death is caused due to a wrongful act that occurred on the high seas “beyond three nautical miles from the shore of the United States.”

Basically, this act enables a personal representative of the deceased to file a lawsuit on behalf of the victim’s spouse, child, parent, or dependent relative.

In addition, you’ll find that DOHSA limits compensation to pecuniary damages. These include loss of services, loss of support, loss of inheritance, and funeral expenses.

Unfortunately, DOHSA doesn’t cover other expenses like pain and suffering, loss of care, and loss of companionship.

Offshore Injury Lawyer to Rescue the clients

After taking this quick dive into the sheer complexities of maritime law, we hope that you’ve got a better understanding of the intricacies required to handle an offshore injury case with grace.

Offshore injury lawyers specialize in maritime law and will work with you to achieve the compensation that you deserve.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that there’s a huge difference between land-based personal injury or wrongful death claims. That’s why you’ll need to specifically have an offshore injury lawyer on hand to handle your case.

If you have any questions or concerns, make sure to contact us for your free consultation. We’d be happy to help you.

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