
Peter Max – An Iconic Name in Neo-Expression

Peter Max - An Iconic Name in Neo-Expression

Neo expression is a modern style of painting that emerged in the 1970s. Artists that deal with neo expression turn to mundane objects to give them an impressive and abstract look. They often use bright and vivid colors in their work to grab attention and invoke praise!

Peter Max – A talented artist in Neo expression

Peter Max is an iconic artist in the field of neo-expression. He has created some memorable artwork in the last 50 years. He loves to use a lot of vibrant color and themes in his paintings that have a positive and uplifting appeal. He has worked on all kinds of daily and mundane items. They cover umbrellas, bed sheets, cars, pillows, etc. He draws a lot of inspiration from daily life and says that when it comes to his work, he is dedicated to express his thoughts and ideas on canvas, especially and uniquely. He says that he has always been inspired by the cosmic elements of the Universe, and this is why they occupy a significant place in his work.

Inspired to take up art by his parents since childhood

He has always been inspired to take up art and painting by his mom and dad since childhood. He has traveled to several places in the world with them. He was born in Berlin in 1937 and lived in China, Africa, India, and even Paris for some time before they finally came to the USA to settle in Brooklyn. He always had an interest in color, and after his art teacher introduced to the myriad world of color, there has been no looking back for him!

He is a vegan and an avid environmentalist. He has always been a candid advocate for animal cum human rights. He and his wife Mary have been the recipient of the Preserve Putnam Award for their dedication and services to protect animal rights in 2009.

An Iconic artist in the field of pop art

He is an iconic artist in the field of pop art and has painted some amazing posters of music bands and celebrity singers. He has been close to The Beatles and has been friends with former Presidents of USA, like Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton. He has been associated with the field of pop art for the last 50 years and is still dedicated when it comes to creating innovative artwork. He says that he is always on the lookout for inspiration and his work is featured in prominent museums and galleries by agents across the world.

Peter Max is a role model for those aspiring artists who wish to mix bold styles, patterns, and themes with vibrant colors and shapes. His paintings make you feel positive as they have a happy vibe to them. If you check out his Facebook Gallery, you will find that there are some really some outstanding and memorable paintings as well as music posters that are still popular today among old and young art lovers across the world.

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