
Best Ways to Save Online Streaming Videos to Watch Later

From the time online streaming videos were first introduced, they have grown to become the de facto option for delivering video content over the internet. But for all the benefits of online streaming videos, their one downside is the fact that you need to be online in order to watch them.

If you’re looking for ways that you can save online streaming videos so that you can watch them later without having to be online, you’ll find that your options are somewhat limited. The majority of online streaming platforms don’t provide that option, so you will need to look at third party solutions.

Of the third party solutions, there are three ways in particular that tend to be best:

  • Web-based video downloader tools

Essentially these tools take the form of websites where you can enter the URL of the video that you want to download and they will process it and provide you with a download link. While relatively convenient and easy to use, the tools are mostly limited to certain platforms – though some do support a rather wide range.

Some tools have other limitations however, in terms of the maximum file size or video duration that they are able to process. On top of that none of these options will enable you to save online streaming videos that are contained within other apps as they require URL-links.

  • Browser plugins

The browser plugins that you’ll find come in two variants, one of which is similar to web-based video downloader tools and functions in the same way. The second type however works by ‘detecting’ videos on websites and then providing the option for it to be downloaded.

Generally the effectiveness of this option can vary quite a bit. While it will enable you to download videos from a wider range of websites, in some cases the plugin may not be able to detect videos that are masked. Additionally it too will not be able to save videos from within other apps.

  • Screen recording

Of all the available options, screen recording is the most universal as it will enable you to record online streaming videos directly from your computer screen and subsequently save them. Because it works that way it is not subject to any of the limitations of the other methods and can save any online streaming video from any platform.

Practically any screen recorder will allow you to copy YouTube video, but you should find one that is user-friendly. For example, you could give Movavi Screen Recorder a try as a place to start.

Overall if you want a surefire way to be able to save any online streaming videos without difficulty then screen recording is your best bet. If you want to try the other options there are lots of lists of resources that you can try out – but just be aware of their limitations and the fact that some may have lots of advertising and pop-ups as well.

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