
What Is So Special About Liquidmetal Today

Liquidmetal Expert

Many people in the tech world are talking about the benefits of Liquidmetal and why they are important in the consumer electronics market today. One of the topmost reasons for Liquidmetal being so popular today is primarily because Apple has purchased several patents that cover certain Liquidmetal technologies. The Company is using Liquidmetal in some of its products and questions are raised on why is it interested in owning it and not just use it for manufacturing certain parts of the electronics that it sells in the market. On the other hand, the general public assumes that Liquidmetal is new as not much has been previously discussed about it in the world.

John Kang Liquidmetal expert- An insight into Liquidmetal technology and how it works 

John Kang is a businessman in the medical industry. He has several years of experience in Liquidmetal and the way they function. According to John Kang Liquidmetal expert, he says that it surfaced in 2003 so relatively Liquidmetal is not new contrary to what people believe in today. Many industries have been using it. For instance, you will find its use in space applications, baseball bats, golf clubs and several other consumer electronics in the market. Another example is the Sandisk Cruzer Titanium Drive that uses Liquidmetal and not titanium for its slide-out connector.

Why is it in the news today?

Now the question is why is it in the news today and what is so special about it? He says that Liquidmetal is in the news and interesting today because tech giant Apple has shown keen interest to own Liquidmetal and not just using it for its consumer products. This, of course, is not so simple for the company; however, it does raise some key questions in the mind of the tech community today.

What exactly is Liquidmetal?

The John Kang WebMD specialist says that Liquidmetal is nothing but a combination of several metallic alloys referred to as “bulk metallic glass.” Its properties resemble the common glass that has the ability to break on impact. It does not have a fixed point for melting. However, at a high temperature, it does show signs of gradual loss in its integrity. Liquidmetal is made of several metals like stainless steel, nickel, copper, titanium, and aluminum.

The key secret of Liquidmetal lies in how it is composed. Here the alloy is not mixed and allowed to cool on its own. Here the amorphous alloy cools faster.

John Kang Liquidmetal specialist says this is where a change in the atomic structure takes place transforming the basic quality of the metals. He says that the process of making Liquidmetal is interesting as if they are flexed and struck, the metal will completely deform.  If you examine the amorphous metal, it is composed of chaotic atoms that are not ordered. So, this changes the structure, and the original shape is formed faster-giving rise to a liquid. Like several metals, Liquidmetal lacks directional grain, and this is why it is a much-talked-about topic today!

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